For those with sun damage, uneven skin tone, or pigmented lesions, treatment can seem challenging to find that’s effective enough to restore your youthful, healthy-looking skin. Laser treatment can be an excellent choice. The StarWalker® laser is the ideal choice for many who want to improve skin blemishes without the use of surgical or invasive care.

What Is StarWalker® Laser?

Engineered by Fotona, StarWalker® is an aesthetic treatment designed to reduce the appearance of blemishes and uneven skin tone utilizing state-of-the-art acoustic shockwave therapy. What makes StarWalker® Laser different is that it does not use heat as other laser treatments do but shockwaves that break up melasma, improving sun damage and age spots beautifully.

This treatment technology incorporates several specific features that allow it to stand out from other laser treatments:

  • Variable Square Pulse: This allows for an incredible level of precision as bolts of high-frequency shockwaves are delivered.
  • Q-Switched Laser: This option provides a quick but powerful level of treatment in target areas.
  • Vacuum Cell and OPTOflex: This feature of StarWalker® provides an even and stable pulsing, which can help to create a significant improvement to target areas while still protecting the skin surrounding the area.
  • Fractionated and Full-Beam Handpieces: This feature creates a narrow light that can be concentrated without causing harm or discomfort.

What Does StarWalker® Laser Treat?

A StarWalker® Laser before and after shows remarkable results in numerous conditions. A versatile laser treatment, it can tackle a range of conditions, creating improved skin pigments, including in the following areas:

Acne and Acne Scar Revision

One of the most impressive results from StarWalker® Laser is its ability to reduce the appearance of acne and acne scarring. It works to reduce pore size and the reddening of the skin brought on by acne inflammation. This laser technology also works highly effectively to improve skin tone and texture, creating a more natural, healthy look.

To work in this way, StarWalker® penetrates into the skin very selectively. It destroys overactive sebaceous oil glands, which are often the underlying cause of moderate and severe acne. At the same time, it boosts collagen production, helping to improve the texture and overall appearance of the skin.

It works to reduce redness that contributes to scarring as well. Utilizing StarWalker® treatment, acne scars begin to fade and, over a treatment period of about four weeks, most are no longer noticeable.

Am I a Good Candidate for StarWalker® Laser?

You may be a good candidate for StarWalker® Laser if you have:

  • Acne
  • Acne scars

How Much Does StarWalker® Laser Treatment Cost?

The StarWalker® Laser treatment typically costs about $600, but this depends on the number of treatment areas and the number of treatments applied.

Most people will need to have a customized StarWalker® treatment created for them, which often means having specialized treatment plans to address their specific needs. This can change the cost. The best way to find out what you may pay for StarWalker® Laser is to have a formal consultation.

How to Prepare for StarWalker® Laser Treatment

Your skin care technician will provide you with specifics about proper preparation for this technology. Most of the time, you’ll need to:

  • Be well-hydrated before the procedure.
  • Protect your skin from sun exposure in the days leading up to the treatment.
  • Don’t use skincare products or lotions on the day of your procedure.

How Is StarWalker® Treatment Performed at ICLS?

StarWalker® Laser treatment is provided in a safe, modern location where you’ll sit down and relax. Dr. Sapra has extensive experience with this technology, which allows for improved results and superior precision. This technology does not use heat, but it is applied in a sweeping motion over the target treatment area.

How Long Does It Take?

The treatment process only takes a few minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated. Most people can resume their daily activities right away.

Recovery for StarWalker® Laser Treatment

Recovering is easy for StarWalker. There is very little to no downtime needed. Some people will have some level of redness and mild swelling present in the days right after treatment. Bruising and tiny pinpoint bleeding areas can also occur. These tend to improve within a few days. Most will resolve within 7 to 10 days. Some treatments may require additional care. Your technician will always tell you what specific aftercare steps to take. In some situations, you will need to apply a medical-grade lightening agent to the skin to help improve results.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

Initially, you’ll notice some reddening in the treatment area. The discolouration will fade over the coming days and weeks, and overall consistency with skin tone and texture will improve. Generally, you will start to see improvements within a few days.

How Long Does StarWalker® Last?

Most people will need to have a series of 6 to 8 treatments that are completed once every four weeks. Once you reach the desired look of your skin, you’ll likely need to come back for maintenance about two or three times a year as you notice new spots forming. Most people will see results that last for years, with the need for some updates over time to address new discolouration.

StarWalker® Laser Treatment Benefits

Treatment benefits for StarWalker are numerous and individualized based on the specific treatment needs. Some of them include:

  • Improved skin appearance, typically including fewer areas of discoloration
  • Reduction of acne scars, including scars that seem to fade away
  • More even and smooth skin tone in target areas
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles due to healthier skin collagen production
  • Improved production of collagen boosts youthful-looking skin

Side Effects of StarWalker® Laser Treatment

Like all laser technology, the side effects tend to be very minor. Some people may have irritation in the area, such as a soft, red rash or pinpoint bleeding. Other times, mild redness and swelling may occur right after the procedure (though it should fade within a few hours to days). Some people also struggle with mild skin tightening.

Some other risks include:

  • Burns (very rare)
  • Post-inflammation hyperpigmentation
  • Irritation of the skin that causes an itch

Book Your Consultation at ICLS

StarWalker Laser is a highly effective, safe procedure designed to provide significant improvement of skin discoloration and tone. Learn more about how it could help with your skin needs by booking a consultation at ICLS.

Before and After

Starwalker Laser Toning Before Photo Starwalker Laser Toning After Photo

Starwalker Laser Toning Before After Photo

Starwalker Acne Scarring Before Photo Starwalker Acne Scarring After Photo

Starwalker Acne Scarring Before After Photo

Starwalker Acne Scarring Before Starwalker Acne Scarring After

Starwalker Acne Scarring Before After

Photos are for educational purposes only.

StarWalker Treatment Reviews

Thrilled with Starwalker

I received 2 Starwalker laser treatments for my active acne. The treatment was tolerable and only took about 30 minutes. I experienced very little down time with minimal redness and irritation post-procedure. I was absolutely thrilled with the treatment results and will definitely be having this treatment done again! I am so happy with the outcome of this treatment and would recommend this to anyone struggling with acne. The staff’s expertise, attention to detail, and care made my experience unforgettable! – A.K

Our Nurses & Specialist

At ICLS, you will be under the care of some of Canada’s most experienced registered nurses. ICLS is one of the only practices in the country (maybe even the world!) to employ only registered nurses to deliver treatments. Our all-female nursing staff consists of hard-working, internationally-trained medical professionals.

Our nurses perform your treatment under our medical director, Dr. Sheetal Sapra, who is a top dermatologist and pioneer of new technologies aimed at improving the lives and looks of his patients. Dr. Sapra has practiced medical dermatology for more than 35 years and has made significant contributions to the field.