What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, involves removing excess skin and fat from the middle and/or lower abdomen. This is done to decrease the size and flatten the appearance of the abdomen, as well as repair and renew the abdominal muscle wall. Reasons for needing abdominoplasty include multiple pregnancies in women, excess weight loss, past abdominal surgeries that have left the abdomen weakened and fat deposits or loose abdominal skin that will not respond to regular diet and exercise.

At ICLS, we offer the most advanced technologies and innovative surgical solutions of any stand-alone facility in Canada, giving our doctors an exceptional advantage in achieving your desired result. Abdominoplasty is performed in our clinic under general anaesthetic and requires an overnight stay in our fully-accredited Oakville clinic.

Am I a Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Candidates for tummy tuck surgery often wish to address the appearance of their abdomen after significant weight loss, multiple pregnancies or childbirth. These factors can lead to stretched abdominal skin, separated muscles, buildups of belly fat and other concerns.

Ideally, candidates will be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the procedure. In many cases, tummy tuck surgery can be combined with additional body contouring procedures in a procedure called a “mommy makeover.”

What Does the Tummy Tuck Procedure Involve?

A tummy tuck aims to reposition the abdominal muscles, reduce excess skin and tighten the remaining skin for a flatter, firmer midsection. At ICLS, Dr. Khanna often performs one of two types of tummy tuck procedures: the full and mini techniques.

Full Tummy Tuck

A full, or “complete,” abdominoplasty can address problems regarding the whole of the abdominal area (i.e., both above and below the navel). To perform this traditional method, Dr. Khanna usually makes an incision extending from hip to hip.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A partial abdominoplasty (or “mini tummy tuck”) deals primarily with fat deposits and skin that are limited to the area below the navel. Incisions are typically shorter than those of a full tummy tuck and generally limited to the lower abdominal area, just above the pubic region.

In both cases, liposuction and skin tightening procedures may be performed in conjunction with the abdominoplasty to achieve an optimum body contouring outcome. If you wish, Dr. Khanna can also adjust your belly button into a more flattering, compact position.

What Can I Expect After My Tummy Tuck?

When your tummy tuck surgery is complete, one or two drains may be stitched into position along the main incision. This allows for drainage of excess fluid from the surgical site and can help with healing. Generally, the drains are removed two to five days post-surgery.

Patients are usually able to return to non-strenuous activities after two to three weeks, but more intensive exercise should not be resumed until approximately six weeks after the procedure. As a tummy tuck is a major operation, you are likely to experience some pain during recovery, but any discomfort can typically be controlled with oral pain medication.

A special tight-fitting garment is worn for the first six weeks after surgery. It is designed to provide compression and support to the healing abdominal area and should be worn 24 hours a day, except while showering (which is allowed three days after surgery). Wound dressing will be provided to you following surgery along with aftercare instructions that you should follow closely.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

Pricing for abdominoplasty at ICLS generally ranges from $14,000 to $24,000; however, because abdominoplasty is personalized to meet the patient’s unique needs, please understand that the cost of this surgery is contingent upon several variables. These may include post-operative medications, surgical garments, anaesthesia fees and more.

Please direct any questions about the financial aspect of your care to our friendly team. Not only do we accept virtually all major forms of payment, but we partner with two reputable financiers – iFinance and Beautifi – to help eligible patients pay for their surgery in installments.

Ready to embrace your unique shape? Schedule a tummy tuck consultation at ICLS today.

Before and After


Patient A - 1 of 2

Patient A - 2 of 2




Patient B - 1 of 2

Patient B - 2 of 2 Abdominoplasty



Patient D - 1 of 3

Patient D - 2. of 3

Patient D - 3 of 3


Patient E - 1 of 2Abdominoplasty

Patient E - 2 of 2 Abdominoplasty



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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) cost?

    Pricing ranges from $14,000 to $24,000. Contact ICLS to find out if this treatment is right for you.

Aftercare and Recovery

A tummy tuck is a major operation and there will be some pain during recovery. When the surgery is complete, one or two drains may be stitched into position along the main incision. This allows for drainage of excess fluid from the surgical site and will help with healing. Generally, the drains are removed two to three days post-surgery. Any discomfort is easily controlled with oral pain medication. 

A special tight-fitting garment is worn for the first six weeks after surgery. It gives compression and support to the healing abdominal area and should be worn 24 hours a day, except during showering which is allowed after the drains are removed. Wound dressing will be provided to you following surgery along with care instructions that you need to abide by.


Our Specialist

Dr Julie Khanna ICLS Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Female Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Julie Khanna

Our internationally-renowned, double board-certified plastic surgeon is considered a leader in breast reshaping, body contouring and facial anti-aging procedures. Combining well-honed surgical skill with a commitment to ethical care, Dr. Julie Khanna looks beyond the procedure to the patient as a whole, from inner self to outer beauty.

Dr. Khanna’s Profile