Keloid scars are a type of raised scar that can occur anywhere the skin has been damaged whether by laceration, acne, surgical incision or even burn. They develop when fibrous scar tissue grows excessively and creates smooth, hard, raised growths that extend beyond the area of injury. Many of the keloids we treat at ICLS present on the ear – usually the earlobe – or navel as the result of a piercing.

Keloids do not develop immediately after the wound has healed – they can take anywhere from weeks to months to fully develop. While anyone can develop a keloid, individuals under 30 and those with darker skin tones are more likely to develop this type of scarring. Keloids are more a nuisance than a health hazard.

Dr. Sapra has published numerous studies on the effectiveness of keloid treatments. We have had great success using Kenalog injections, Botox, Pulsed Dye Laser or laser therapy. Vbeam, Genesis, Starwalker/Pico or Excel V lasers have proven effective in reducing redness and proliferation of the scar, as well as improving the overall appearance of the keloid. Surgical keloid scar removal is typically reserved for instances where a patient has a very large keloid or one that has been on the skin for years. 


Before and After

Keloid removal using Kenolog Injections and Botox

Keloid Scar using Shave Excision, Kenolog Injections and Botox

Keloid Scar treatment using Injection Genesis

Keloid Scar Excision

Keloid Scar Excision

Keloid Scar treatment using Cynergy Laser

Keloid Scar treatment using Kenolog Injection

Keloid Scar treatment using Shave excision

Keloid Scar Treatment using Botox and Kenolog Injections

Keloid Cyroshape Treatment

Keloid Cyroshape Treatment

Photos are for educational purposes only.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are keloids a risk to my health?

    While keloids are rarely a health problem, uncontrolled scar tissue growth similar to keloids can be a symptom of skin cancer. As a result, your consultation at ICLS includes a visual examination and may also include a biopsy if our dermatologist believes there may be more to the keloid.

  • Is surgery required for keloids?

    Typically reserved for instances where a patient has a very large keloid or one that has been on the skin for years, careful surgical removal combined with a closely monitored skin care regimen can help keep keloid development at bay. Post-surgery treatment may also include several steroid injections to reduce the recurrence of scar tissue.

  • How much does it cost to remove a keloid?

    Pricing is dependent on the recommended treatment. Treatment begins at $315 and depending on injection types and if laser is added, will go up from there. For more information about keloid removal, contact our Dermatology team at ICLS.