Some men experience excess fatty tissue in the male breasts, which can often lead to emotional distress, and sometimes even an unwillingness to take off a shirt in public. This increase in tissue is often genetically inherited or hormonal in nature. Excess skin around the chest can also occur after dramatic weight loss. When consulting with gynecomastia patients, our plastic surgeon will take time to understand the areas of concern, and whether the procedure requires attention to the glandular tissue, fatty tissue and possibly the removal of excess skin. 

At ICLS we offer the most advanced technologies and innovative surgical solutions of any stand-alone facility in Canada, giving our doctors an exceptional advantage in achieving a desired result. During a consultation, a patient will have an opportunity to create a customized approach with our doctors that may involve one or more procedures, from liposuction, our exclusive skin tightening with radiofrequency, fat transfer or muscular etching. 

If there are concerns with the size or projection of the nipple, nipple reshaping can be done as a standalone procedure or combined with gynecomastia surgery.  All surgeries are performed either under a local anesthetic with sedation or a general anesthetic in our fully-accredited Oakville clinic. 

Before and After

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Male Chest Enhancement with gynecomastia

Photos are for educational purposes only.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?

    Pricing begins at $13,000. Contact ICLS to find out if this treatment is right for you.

Aftercare and Recovery

During recovery the patient is required to wear a compression garment, which aids in healing. The garment is worn for 4-6 weeks, during which time the patient should not engage in any strenuous activities for example, exercise, lifting, pushing, etc. 

The patient may notice that they are retaining extra fluid; this is normal and will eventually pass through their system. They will also feel discomfort during this time as well; this should begin to subside after ten days to two weeks.


Our Specialist

Dr Julie Khanna ICLS Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Female Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Julie Khanna

Our internationally-renowned, double board-certified plastic surgeon is considered a leader in breast reshaping, body contouring and facial anti-aging procedures. Combining well-honed surgical skill with a commitment to ethical care, Dr. Julie Khanna looks beyond the procedure to the patient as a whole, from inner self to outer beauty.

Dr. Khanna’s Profile