Flat brown or café au lait marks are usually present at birth and will slowly increase in size in proportion to the individual. Port wine stain birthmarks are swollen blood vessels that that appear as a red or purple discolouration of the skin. Typically these birthmarks are benign, but patients may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons, especially when they appear on visible areas of the face or body. 

There are no creams or peels that diminish the appearance of these birthmarks. At ICLS we offer a number of different laser therapy options including the Ruby, Yag, Starwalker and Enlighten Pico lasers. For deeply pigmented marks, treatments are required. Once desired clearance reached, maintenance would be needed to keep clear.    


Before and After

Birthmark Nevus of Ota

Birthmark Port Wine Stain treatment using Pulsed Dye Laser

Birthmark using Laser Therapy Treatment

Birthmark Port Wine Stain treatment using Pulsed Dye Laser

Birthmark using Laser Therapy Treatment

Birthmark Port Wine Stain treatment using Pulsed Dye Laser

Birthmark using Laser Therapy Treatment

Birthmark removal using 10 treatments of Yag laser for Nevus of Ota

Birthmark removal using 10 treatments of Yag laser for Nevus of Ota

Photos are for educational purposes only.