Chin cleavage. Turkey neck. Chinsulation. Waddle.
There are a lot of names for fat and loose skin in the submental or under the chin area. (These are some of the nicer ones!) For patients interested in improving the chin, jawline and neck, ICLS offers just as many ways to treat this area as there are names. And that’s before we even get to the “gold standard” of facial rejuvenation, the facelift. (We see you, Marc Jacobs!)
What works for one patient isn’t necessarily right for another. We approach each patient uniquely, designing a treatment plan that is 100% customized to achieve their desired results. Whether you’re looking for non-invasive, minimally invasive or a surgical solution to address submental fat and/or skin laxity along the jaw and neck, we have options:
- Belkyra (deoxycholic acid, also known as Kybella in the US) is an injectable drug that can reduce submental fat and redefine your jawline, effectively eliminating your double chin without surgery.
- Coolsculpting’s fat freezing technology is perfect for eliminating stubborn pockets of fat under the chin. Once the fat cells have been crystallized, they’re naturally flushed from the body.
- Like traditional liposuction, chin lipo is a minor surgery that involves the use of a thin cannula to remove excess fat from below the chin. At ICLS we use VASER ultrasound liposuction, which tightens the skin while “shaking” the fat cells loose, addressing skin laxity and submental fat simultaneously.
- For more targeted skin tightening, we can reach the deeper layers of the tissue with minimally invasive radiofrequency or ultrasound technology such as Thermage, Ulthera and Profound. During treatment, the device gently delivers a controlled injury to the area, which stimulates the production of collagen.
- The Mini Necklift is a signature ICLS surgical procedure done under local anesthesia. It combines submental liposuction with radiofrequency skin tightening.
- Cosmetic fillers are often used to provide contouring and tightening of the skin around your jaw and chin.
Often our board certified physicians will use a combination approach, blending different procedures in order to get the best results. Are you interested in exploring how a lower face and neck enhancement can work for you? Contact our team for a virtual consultation.