Many Ontario men and women suffer from the unsightly condition of red blotchy skin. The most frustrating aspect of this problem is no one culprit is responsible. There are multiple reasons why you may suffer from constant red skin, and this post is intended to reveal some of the main causes and offer the best solutions to remedy them.
One cause of red skin is an enlargement of blood vessels under the epidermis which causes inflammation of the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. This disorder is known as Rosacea. If you have fair skin and blush easily, you are more prone to this condition.
Another cause for blotchy redness, primarily on the face and legs, are broken capillaries often called spider veins. These frustrating little devils are typically hereditary, and sufferers should avoid excessive sun exposure, as this increases the problem.
Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin also known as Eczema. The most common type is atopic dermatitis which affects up to 30% of the population. Its symptoms include red skin which may be itchy, swollen and cracked. The cause is thought to be mostly hereditary.
Post acne marks or macules are the flat red dots left behind by pimples. They are a form of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. People who suffer from severe acne may suffer from its after effects including acne scarring and acne macules.
Sun damage pigmentation occurs when areas of the skin turn a darker shade or color. Too much sun exposure will cause an over production of melanin which in turn will create an uneven skin tone.
There are lifestyle changes that can help in the fight against a bright red complexion, red blotches, and an uneven skin tone like avoiding the sun, reducing stress and limiting spicy foods. Many topical skin care products will also calm, sooth, and treat the inflammation and redness.
At ICLS we have found laser treatments highly effective in the treatment of various red skin ailments. Excel V laser has given many of our patients in Toronto and Mississauga great results. They praise the treatment citing compliments received immediately after the first treatment. The Excel V Laser System uses a high power green laser to treat irregular blood vessels and pigment in the skin. As the laser treats the pigment cells, the skin returns to a natural color and tone.
Another laser treatment that has provided our Ontario patients great results is Laser Genesis. Not only does this procedure diffuse redness and uneven skin tone, but it also is effective in eliminating fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, and acne scars. The outcomes are achieved by gently heating below the skin to stimulate collagen production.
Laser treatments are powerful weapons in our arsenal in the fight against red skin tones.
If you would like more information about red skin tone and how to treat this condition, please call us at 905-842-2262 or contact us here.