How to Adapt Your Skincare Routine to Summer

Between planning for your next adventure and enjoying the one you’re on, it’s easy for summer skincare routines to fall to the wayside or simply be carried over from your winter regimen. However, the techniques used to fight off winter’s effect on the skin don’t always translate into beautiful summer skin. Consider adding these habits and products to your skincare routine this summer.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Now that the weather is warming up, most of our patients are rushing to find excuses to stay outside and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. However, this increased time outside means longer exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Without the right skincare routine, this can be extremely damaging for skin cells by causing water to evaporate out of the cells and increasing the risk of sunburn. More sun exposure can also increase a person’s likelihood of developing melanoma – one of the most easily prevented yet common forms of skin cancer.

Adding sunscreen to your daily routine is a critical component of any well-rounded summer skincare routine. According to our Oakville dermatologist, finding a moisturizer with sunscreen already in it can help keep skin routines short while effective. When looking for the right sunscreen, we recommend looking for one with at least a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB SPF 30 and non-comedogenic to keep pores from getting clogged.

Hydrate over Moisturizing

While the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between hydrating skin and moisturizing skin, which in turn changes when it’s best to do either. As drying cold weather and blasting heaters tend to dry out skin, we tend to recommend sealing in moisture with heavier emollient-based creams. During the summer, hot and dry weather causes us to sweat more and water within skin cells to evaporate. This causes cells to shrivel and can make fine lines and blemishes more noticeable.

When transitioning from a winter skincare regimen to a summer one, swap out heavy moisturizers for products that focus on hydrating the skin. These are often water-based, making them light enough for you to stay cool during hot summer days while keeping skin well hydrated. Likewise, increasing your water intake can also help hydrate skin from within.

Stick with Lighter Products

While we may not be in Arizona, Oakville summers can still get hot. Just as you would wear cooler, more breathable fabrics during the summer months, your skin needs lighter, more breathable products in order to retain its healthy glow. Heavy, creamy cleansers, lotions and even make-up that are suitable for winter tend to trap pores during the summer months, causing discomfort and increasing your body’s natural oil production – leaving you with melted make-up and a sticky-feeling face. Once the weather starts to warm up, switch your products from heavy creams to lighter gels and foaming cleansers. Weekly exfoliation can also help remove stubborn dirt and dead cells without drying out skin, keeping your looks glowing.

Get Started at ICLS

Whether your summer plans include beach sojourns or forest trails, preparing your skin for the increased time outside can help you hold onto youthful looks longer. At ICLS, our team works with you to identify the best steps, products, and treatments for your skin type. Get started today by calling our Oakville practice and scheduling your visit with Dr. Sapra today!