The Consequences of Weight Loss

Post-Dramatic Weight loss

Nothing is more disheartening than realizing the number that you see on the scale doesn’t match what you see in the mirror.  You bit the bullet, pushed yourself to the brink, lived with the discipline of a monk and you were rewarded by reaching your new weight goals; but what happens if you were left with an altogether different and bigger problem?  Sadly, one of the most difficult side effects of Dramatic Weight Loss is excessive, sagging skin.  All of those collective hours on the elliptical were worth it for your health and well-being we promise; now let’s tell you how you can finally have the chance to have the figure you deserve.

The Consequences of Weight Loss

So why exactly does saggy skin appear and linger after you lose so much weight?  It’s all about elasticity.  What happens is that as you gain weight, your skin gets stretched out and you start to lose the elasticity (the ability to bounce back) in your skin.  When you work hard enough to lose weight, your skin can’t just catch up and shrink back like it used to.  What you’re then left with is ripples of excess skin, commonly on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms – even if you’re the lightest weight of your life.

How Can Body Lifting Procedures Help?

Let’s set the tone:   You didn’t gain or lose weight overnight; therefore it will also take time to put your body and its skin back in order.  Although there are times that you can combine procedures, it’s safer and generally better tolerated in terms of healing to stage them based on your wants and what your body needs.  Commonly the order of body lifting procedures starts at the abdomen and works its way out.  Procedures include tummy tuck, thigh lift, buttock lift, breast lift, thigh lift and arm lift.  Not everyone wants or needs every procedure and your surgical plan can be discussed in detail with Dr. Julie Khanna or Dr. Zamani, our board certified plastic surgeons.

Life After Surgery

Yes, your resolution was to get healthy and fit and now that you’ve done that, it’s time to look as amazing as you feel.  After your body lift procedures you’ll get a chance to show off a sleeker, more athletic figure and fit into clothes the way you’re supposed to.  No more trying to hide problem areas with different cuts of clothing or shying away from certain styles – it’s time to be proud of your body!

You worked hard to get where you are now, shouldn’t your body reflect that too?  If you’re ready to look as good as you feel, contact ICLS now for a body lift consultation.